Asset Library

Coalesceing Text Applet

Courtesy of StockObjects

Adjust the parameter values below, then drag the coffee cup onto your document to insert the applet.



Enter Value

TextThe string of characters to displayDefault: (none)
WidthThe width of the applet in the WebpageDefault: (none)
HeightThe height of the applet in the WebpageDefault: (none)
AppBGColorThe applet background colorDefault: from browser
PointSizeThe size of the font in pointsDefault: 10
FontThe font of the text: TimesRoman, Helvetica, Dialog, DialogInput, or ZapfDingbatsDefault: Dialog
TextColorThe text colorDefault: from browser
StyleThe style of the font: Plain, Bold, Italic, or BoldItalicDefault: Plain
HorizCenter(boolean) if true, the text is centered horizontallyDefault: false
VertCenter(boolean) if true, the text is centered verticallyDefault: false
AppBGImageThe applet background imageDefault: from browser
AppTile(boolean) if true, tile the background imageDefault: false
DelayBetweenCharsThe delay (in milliseconds) between character movementsDefault: 20
DelayBetweenRunsThe delay (in milliseconds) between stringsDefault: 3000
XOffsetThe horizontal distance (in pixels) from the left side of the applet to the textDefault: 0
YOffsetThe vertical distance (in pixels) from the top of the applet to the baseline of the textDefault: The height of the text
StepsThe number of steps in the coalescing sequenceDefault: 50